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Circle Health


A digital platform that enables healthcare professionals to quickly connect and share HIPAA information. It simplifies the communication process so there is more time left to spend with patients. 

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Circle Health


I was responsibile for the conceptualization and design iterations during the product development to the MVP.   I redesigned the current prototype and defined product features to incorporate for the MVP directly with the CEO.  


6 Months


Healthcare providers and care team members often times do not have direct access to other colleagues and certain information necessary to make important clinical descisions.  Sharing patient information and medical records with an outside clinic can be a long and arduous process.  From a healthcare provider perspective, I want to help improve and simplify this process for everyone involved.  I was recently connected with the CEO of Circle Health Technologies who has a similar interest in solving this problem.    


Inability for providers and medical personnel to contact each other and share information in a timely, safe and secure manner. 


$1.7 B

Healthcare costs


Lives lost


During handoff

Better communication could reduce medical mistakes by up to 30%

Let me me give you a common, everyday example from a pharmacist perspective: 


A patient comes to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription that their provider submitted through the electronic prescribing system.  However, the medication is not ready and has not been filled as the dose of the medication was not appropriate or the directions were incorrect.  Before I can proceed, the provider must be contacted to document a correction on the prescription.  I have to call, fax or leave a message that usually has a turnaround time of 24-72 hrs depending on the clinic.  This means a delay in therapy for the patient (which can be detrimental in certain cases) with no easy way for me to contact and clarify information with the provider. 

Tackling the problem

The CEO and I started with meetings to discover pain points and ideas: 

We discussed my frustrations and thoughts and combined responses from interviewing other healthcare team members on how communication can be improved. We started brainstorming useful features to start and streamlining the platform.

*To maintain the confidentiality agreement, I cannot give specific details of my design process.  Shown are the iterations of the chat dashboard only. 


The redesign

After multiple brainstorming sessions about our users and their goals, I started to sketch some ideas.  I wanted to break up the sections into columns to make them more clear:  Navigation, chats, message box and the group information.  I also sketched out flows for each of our users goals and took these ideas to Sketch to start wireframing.

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Chat dash before I joined

Click to view iterations below or scroll to view the final screens that were used for the MVP. 

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Iteration v1.0

Based on my scribbles and brainstorming sessions, this is the first version of the new chat dashboard using Sketch.  


  • I started with making a more clear navigation bar.

  • Created a three column layout to be consistent.  

  • The group information of the chat thread was also added on to slide in from the right.  

  • I wanted the new message option to be more obvious from the original as well.  

Final Iteration vMVP

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“Natalie has been instrumental in the design and conceptualization of our MVP. We were developing a healthcare Saas application on a tight time frame so she dove right into wireframes.

With limited time for research, she was able to leverage her clinical background to produce thoughtful and user-centric UX flows. She helped us apply best practices consistently for on-boarding and user engagement as well as weigh options when unexpected UX conflicts came up. Working with her has been a delight and I would highly recommend her."

—  Chris, CEO

Reflection & Next Steps

Being a part of this project helped me learn lean methodologies and prioritize the most valuable features for the MVP.  I also gained experience collaborating with a development team to understand the design process from a different perspective.  

The next step is to launch a trial of the platform to a partner clinic.  We will test the learnability and gain valuable feedback from the first users of the MVP.  Their feedback will assist in resolving issues that arise with accomplishing tasks and for future feature developments. 

***Confidentiality Agreement

To comply with the confidentiality agreement of this project, I have omitted confidential information.  The company name and logo has also been changed to protect privacy.  



2.Makary MA, Daniel M. Medical Error—The Third Leading Cause of Death in the US. BMJ. 2016: 353.


 UX Research & Design


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